Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sleepovers, Scream on Halloween, and Headaches...aka: The Story of my Life

Hi Sissa! While you've been gone I have been soooo busy! And sick, always sick. Anyway dance has been pretty good lately! We are doing a lot of pointe right now too, and I feel like I am getting so much stronger!!!

First off, it would be nice is we could skype once in awhile!!! I am just kidding I know you're busy! Just don't forget about me, please! Anyway, the last three weeks for me have been kind of nice because I have had all of the Fridays off. But last Friday I had to get cleaning happy, and clean the whole house, because Kayla spent the weekend with us.

My Saturday and Sundays were a ton of fun though and Kayla and I watched Tangled and some other movies and we went to brunch in the morning at this really nice restraunt and it was just a very nice/extremly busy weekend. Also, Dawn visited the dance studio on Saturday and it was awesome to see her! I carved my pumkins on Sunday night. I did a Glee one, and had been watching Scream 4, so I did the Scream guy on mom's.

My Halloween was medicore. School was stressfull, and I got piled with a TON of homework. After that, I worked at the studio in the afternoon for awhile passing out candy, then I went home and I had a Scream marathon, it was fun, but I got a horrible headache and went to bed not feeling all that well.

Yesterday I woke up feeling awful and my headache had not gone away, today I woke up feeling the same way. Grrrr..... However our lovely grandmother took me in and has been feeding me and made me this amazing tea so I have just been resting and watching Glee, I hope I feel better tomorrow because this really sucks.

I will post pics of my pumkins once I get home!!!

I love you so much,


Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Monday, and I have the flu

Dear Lyss,
   While you've been gone, I've had a crazy weekend! It started off great when I FINALLY got to see Taylor. Even though I REALLY miss you, it was great to see him, and I really needed it. I wish you could have been with us though. He took me out to dinner at Red Robins, and then we sat in our favorite massage chairs and did a few others things, and it was just a really good night.

    Next it was Saturday. My Saturday was pretty much awful. That is about all I have to say about that. I will go into detail when we skype. (When can we skype? Does Wednesday work for you? ) But one good thing did come out of Saturday, I pretty much mastered my fouettes. I mean like for real. The only thing I have to work on is the fact that somtimes I still do the swimming arms thing to get momentum but once I completly cancel that out, I'll have them. I mean I can just keep turning and turning and turning and then do a double and land them. I had to learn them because I do them in Russian and in my lyrical solo. But I was really proud of myself! We went to this really nice restaurant for daddy's birthday, and I had a good time with our parents!

Finally Sunday had arrived and I was planning on going to church with Taylor. However, Saturday afternoon I learned that Debbie had passed the flu on to me. (Luckily Debbie had brought that liquid DayTime medicine on Saturday and had me take it, so I got through rehearsals okay) But by Sunday, the flu had hit me full force and I felt awful. I kinda just chilled around the house for most of the day and took it easy. I also watched the new sister wives and that always makes me happy.

Unfortunatly, as it always does, Monday rolled around. I woke up this morning feeling even worse than Sunday. But I knew I had to go to school A) because I don't want to get behind from being absent again, and B) because no school=no dance and I don't have time to be behind in dance either. My day was long, but it wasn't bad. I felt like crap, but it wasn't a super stressfull day, and we watched movies in English and French anyways. Finally it came time for dance. First I got to see/help DeeDee, which always makes my day because I love her, and is kind of calming to teach right before class starts. And pointe was actually a lot of fun today. It was kind of just relaxing and fun, and Debbie made a really funny joke about how pointe feels like your toes are getting massaged by hammers and I was laughing so hard. I also coughed and dry heaved all class but Debbie gave me a cough drop cause she understands my pain. lol. Anyway, it was a well needed class after Saturday. And to top my Monday off I found out that tomorrow is a late start which put me in a really good mood!!!

Even though my weekend was not fantastic, I did find that next weekend Kayla gets to spend the WHOLE weekend with me because her parents will be out of town. So I am really excited for this coming weekend! Anyway I miss you a ton.  I love to Pluto and back. Please skype me soon.
